Maternal OCD sees working with healthcare professionals and policy makers as a vital way of improving services for mothers with perinatal OCD.
We provide training, service user talks and influence at meetings to help ensure perinatal OCD is part of any perinatal mental health service and conversation.
For further details and to discuss joint working please contact us on
After Maternal OCD co-founder Maria Bavetta met with the Health Secretary, the Department of Health agreed to film Maria describing her experiences of perinatal OCD and this footage is now a key component in the Health Visitor’s on-line training in their e-Learning for Healthcare programme:
Here are some examples of the testimonials we have received throughout the delivery of our training and talks:
Kings College London
‘I would highly recommend Diana, Maria and Liz’s talk about OCD. They kindly came to speak to my 2nd year cohort of student Midwives. We found the speakers to be very interesting. The teaching session was made very relevant as the students listened to Maria and Diana’s personal stories. They also had the chance to assess their own knowledge on the subject with role play scenarios. In conclusion the session was very illuminating, sensitive and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your passion with us.‘
Penny Charles MSc BA RGN RM PGCEA
Lecturer in Midwifery & Women’s Health
Florence Nightingale School of Nursing & Midwifery
Midwife – Hertfordshire
‘This talk was very informative and raises awareness around OCD – fantastic presentation – I will think twice when talking to mothers’
Letchworth Counselling Centre
‘Maternal OCD plays an essential role in the health and well being of mothers by working tirelessly to improve education and research into this debilitating condition. The organisation draws on an admirable combination of personal experience of the disorder and professional acumen to ensure that the needs of mothers suffering from maternal OCD are understood and addressed. The ultimate aim of Maternal OCD is to ensure that no mother loses the joys of motherhood to OCD. We work closely with Maternal OCD to keep our clinical team abreast of the latest developments in formulation and treatment protocols and their insights are invaluable to our service’
Julie Sale Director
‘Here at Fegans we offer our counsellors the opportunity to attend two ‘in house’ training days a year. The last one was on ‘OCD’ and Diana organised the speakers for the day and we invited other counsellors and professionals to attend as well as our own staff. Maria and Diana spoke about their own personal experience of ‘OCD’ and this was both interesting and informative and complimented the information given by the other professionals who worked with clients suffering from ’OCD’. By telling their personal story, Diana and Maria made the emotional pain of the condition very real but also gave a message of hope that the condition can be overcome and life restored. We had a fantastic day and the feedback we received from those who attended was extremely positive. I would like to thank Maria and Diana for sharing their experience with us, it was truly inspiring!’
Liz Sweeney, Fegans