A Christmas message
Reflections from the Maternal OCD team
You may previously have had OCD before your pregnancy or alongside your maternity and parenting journey, and it can be demanding on parents at any time. We also know that we often see an increase of requests seeking support over the festive season. We suspect this is, in part, due to the pressures at this time of year. So, we would like to share some reflections that we hope will help.
- Please do prioritise yourself – your maintenance and recovery journey is paramount. We know this isn’t always easy, so think about your world and where possible, make time for you
- Where possible please look after yourself first – putting your own oxygen mask / life jacket on before helping others is an important lesson here, even if it might feel counter-intuitive
- Do you need to say yes to every ask? Whenever or wherever you are in parenting, please try not to automatically say yes to every ask on your time and energy – allow space to consider your decision and then respond
- Know yourself and what helps you to keep well, this is personal so run your own race. However, do try to focus on the basics such as eating well, getting enough sleep and exercise if you can. This will help support your body during recovery
- Try to accept any practical support if offered, for example help with housework, shopping etc, ‘guilt’ might come knocking but please allow yourself to accept help – it’s okay and there is no such thing as a perfect parent
- If you feel comfortable speak to someone you trust, family member or friend and reach out for support, this might be your GP, health visitor, midwife or a local charity
Seeking support
- Seek out a referral (via your GP) for perinatal mental health services. These services provide support during the antenatal and postnatal period, read more here
- Click here for a self-referral for Talking Therapies
- See below charities offering support and information
Maternal Mental Health Alliance
- Recovery is not easy, but it is possible and please take comfort in reading personal stories here on the Maternal OCD site
Crisis / urgent support
If you or someone you know is in crisis, please see below suggestions on who to contact:
- Your local GP surgery
- Visit your local A&E
- Contact your Crisis team if you have contact with services already
- Call 999
- Contact The Samaritans
Tel: 116 123 (this is a free telephone number and will not appear on the phone bill)
Web: www.samaritans.org
Email: jo@samaritans.org
- Contact Shout – Shout is a free, confidential and 24/7 text messaging service for anyone in the UK who needs support. If you are struggling to cope and need to talk, there are Shout Volunteers trained ready to help. To start a conversation, text the word ‘Shout’ to 85258
Try not to get caught up in the often typical chaos and expectation, the magic of Christmas is to pace yourself, be mindful and focus on recovery.
If you suspect you are suffering from perinatal OCD it is important to receive a diagnosis as this will help with accessing the right treatment for your recovery. OCD is a very treatable condition – your first step is to see your GP. The recommended treatment is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and/or medication. See section ‘About Perinatal OCD’ for further details.
Clinical support:
Dedicated Perinatal OCD Service – The Maudsley Hospital London
The Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma (CADAT) is both a local and a national specialist service for obsessive-compulsive disorder and can offer specialised CBT treatment for OCD with parents from pregnancy to three years postnatal. .
To discuss potential referrals, or if you have any queries about the service please email CADAT below:
Email: CADAT@slam.nhs.uk
Referrals can be made via the website: https://slam.nhs.uk/service-detail/service/centre-for-anxiety-disorders-and-trauma-112/
Mother and Baby Units
Sometimes a mum needs to receive some in-patient psychiatric care and across the UK there are dedicated Mother and Baby Units (MBU) which can provide (subject to availability) treatment whilst mum and baby stay together.
Click here to watch a short video which describes the Margaret Oates Mother and Baby Unit in the East London NHS Foundation Trust. This footage clearly defines what to expect when you spend time in a MBU and how it’s sole purpose is to help mum through mental health recovery.
For a list of Mother and Baby Units across the United Kingdom please click here to view the MMHA Everyone’s Business Campaign map page.
Choice of therapist
OCD Action has very helpfully described how you can access services and your right to choose who treats your OCD (with some criteria) please click on the link below for more details:
Some people choose not to wait for a CBT trained therapist on the National Health Service. If that is the case make sure that the therapist is accredited by the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP). This can be checked by using the ‘Find a Therapist’ register on their website (www.babcp.com)
Online patient information from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) provide online patient information for both OCD and antenatal and postnatal mental health services:
NICE OCD patient information: click here
NICE Antenatal and postnatal mental health patient information click here
Peer support
OCD Action
OCD Action’s helpline operates between 9.30-5 Monday to Friday and volunteers are also able to call people back during the evenings. If when calling you are unable to get through, please leave a message and a volunteer will call you back as soon as possible.
You can contact the helpline on 0300 636 5478 or email support@ocdaction.org.uk
Perinatal OCD Zoom Support Group Contact details:
OCD Action’s ‘Always Better Together’ Project run a Perinatal support group. This takes places monthly on the second Tuesday of the month, at 7pm.
For further details please click here and/or contact sign-up@ebtsupportgroups.co.uk
The Samaritans
For 24 hour support please see The Samaritans contact details below:
Tel: 116 123 (this is a free telephone number and will not appear on the phone bill)
Web: www.samaritans.org
Email: jo@samaritans.org
New Maternal OCD leaflet: Seeking Help with Practical Suggestions
Please click the link below to view / download a leaflet outlining how you can seek help: